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Day 3

Connection and Flow

"So, I took a deep breath and I launched myself into a journey through the geography of the Valley of Existence." Marco Bertagni


Emotions are not automatic reactions to our environment. Emotions are made within us.

And we have more agency than we think.
How about mapping your emotional journey?


The River of Life

The Flow of the River represents time.

TAKE a stroll along a wild mountain river and discover waterfalls and natural pools.


Map Your Emotions

Using a method developed by Marco Bertagni and EMME, you will have the opportunity to

MAP your emotional journey for a pivotal moment in you life

SHARE your map as a story.


The Sea Refuses No River


Our journey ends on the coast of the MEDITERRANEAN.

And as every ending is a new beginning, it is time to reflect which of your impressions, realisations and learnings you will take back into your world.

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